Manawatū Food Action Network Spring Hui 2024
Tuesday the 5th November from 10:00am-2:30 pm
This event will be held at the Palmerston North Community Leisure Centre (569 Ferguson Street)
Theme: Local Food Sovereignty in Action!
Thank you for your interest in the next MFAN seasonal hui. We hope this will to be a great opportunity to network with others in the Manawatū (and beyond!) working in the areas of food resilience, food rescue and food sovereignty.
Please fill in this RSVP form for indicating your attendance for this event, and please note you are able to add multiple people from you organisation through this form.
If you would like to be kept in touch about the results of this hui but cannot make it on the day, please still fill in this form but indicate you cannot attend and you will be included in the hui email list.
Ngā Mihi,
Daniel (Morri) Morrimire
MFAN Coordinator
Please RSVP here for catering and room set-up purposes
Your Organisation's Name (please leave blank if not affiliated with an organisation)
First name
Last name
Email address
Cell phone
Dietary Requirements
Your RSVP, please select one
MFAN 2024 Spring hui - I can maybe attend
MFAN 2024 Spring hui - Yes I can attend
MFAN 2024 Spring hui - No I cannot attend
I would like to volunteer for helping out at this event on the day (i.e. making cups of tea, setting out food, etc.)
If you have another person from your organisation attending, press the button on the right below to add them.
+ Add another RSVP from your organisation
- Remove this RSVP
We collect your personal information in order to inform you about relevant activities of ENM's member group organisations, communicate and grow our network.
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at admin@enm.org.nz, or 06 355 0126, or PO Box 1271, Palmerston North.
Please check the highlighted fields